In a time of constant change where knowledge is a critical value, a company needs to anticipate opportunities.

At JRD, we provide value on three specific needs:

Start Up

Growth and agility as our focus, while we add value to startup companies. We have ran successful startups in different contexts and geographies. Our knowledge and contacts ensure leadership for early scalability.


Designing and manage strategic reconversion projects. In these we align corporate goals with commercial ones; provide operational improvements, cost reduction, profitability management, revenue growth, and conduct labor transitions.

Interim Management

A comprehensive vision of the management changes needed, and improvement of procedures. We approach transition processes preparing the resources for bigger flexibility and the organization for a later definitive management.


Jorge Romero Day is a global executive, consultant in forming and leading effective teams, start up management management and crisis resolutions.

Professional development has led him to live in 7 countries, and traveled/worked in twenty more. His experience is spread through companies such as DuPont, Prosegur, Mauri AB, World Minerals/Imerys and DSM.

Educated with a degree in Business Administration, and Masters in Agricultural Economics and Industrial Management.

Blessed with 3 children, he divides his time between his passion for marathons and charitable causes.




Jack Welch and how to lead the change.

With the current rate of change, the organizations must be able to commit, define goals and develop strategies clearly. That is what we do in JRD.



The lesson of John Akhwari

For him, the triumph was to know that he finished what he had set out to do. That approach, and resolution, transcends sports and is essential to face new challenges and meet the desired objectives.

Planeamiento Estratégico

Strategic planning

How to reinvent ourselves?: The case of 3M

Many times the most complex thing in an organization is to build its future, design it in context and go the way to achieve it. At JRD we always look forward anticipate and adapt to market changes.



Dick Fosbury: creativity that opens paths.

Our objective is always to extend, nurture and activate all the capabilities of the organization.


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